In this workshop, the developer and inventor of the Oov, Daniel Vladeta, takes you through an introductory talk into how the Oov was created, and the concepts and ideas behind the Oov.
Daniel will also then take you though all of the ways you can use an Oov, (we recommend you have an Oov, and use these videos as a Practical experience) from Supine, Seated, Side Lying, Prone, Quadruped, Planking, Bridging to Standing. He will explain positioning subtleties in all of the above variations, and how they can be applied to Rehabilitation, Pilates and Exercise and Performance.
Finally there is a case study with Daniel Vladeta, where he shows how the Oov can be used as an assessment tool, and how you can change function in someone following these assessments.
The total hours of the workshop is over 2 hours, and a Manual is also supplied.
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